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6 Ways to Transition Back Into Your Gym Routine and Boost Immunity

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2020
*The first week back in public gym action*
Since transitioning back into the gym over the last few days, I've been thinking of the top ways you could also get back into routine while simultaneously increasing your immunity. I've identified 6 Ways specifically

When our lives were flipped upside down earlier this year by the coronavirus pandemic, so were our routines:  We could no longer train together or easily access fitness equipment, we were restricted to grocery shopping and we primarily began cooking all our meals at home, we tended to struggled with sleep while our stress levels were prone to surging.

Although we’re still in the midst of COVID-19, We’ve already proven that a stay at home order doesn’t have to slow us down in making progressions toward our high priority health and fitness goals.   Though with the gyms and clubs finally opening back up across the country, I want to offer assistance in re-establishing healthy habits and honoring this next stage of your healthier self.  Regardless of how quickly or slowly you’re transitioning out of quarantine, you still have great opportunity to regain structure and solidify a health and fitness routine that fits with our current (and ever-evolving) circumstances.

I’m always honored to offer new forms of support for your healthy way of life endeavors.

Here are 6 areas and ways I recommend transitioning back into your gym routine and boost your immunity.

1. Move one way or another every single day.  It’s not the effort you put into one or two workouts, it’s the consistency.  What you do everyday matters more than what you do every so often.  Getting at least 15 minutes of exercise per day (1% of your day) helps to prime the immune system and combat bacteria and viruses, among all other physiological benefits.  Choose activities you enjoy, balancing your cardio, strength, and recovery efforts daily.  

2. Find an inspiring fitness community.  Those who workout with others often reach goals faster, break through more plateaus, and gain a new sense of purpose and connection to their endeavors; which is the reason it can be a challenging to make strides on your own without the right environment.  Whether it’s a 30 Minute bodyweight YOU CALL IT experience, a virtual training session with myself, or a empowering online community such as our Sprint Ownership Group, there are a variety of ways to gain advice, support, and reinforcement to your actions through accountability.   Social relationships are essential for our health, without them we’re at risk of poorer immune function, as well as negative mental and physical health effects.

3. Take all the guesswork out at the gym by following a proven routine.  The body often gets sick under times of stress but working out and lifting will help ease that stress and improve our immune system.  Created and designed by yours truly, each of these custom workout programs includes a progressive, personalized approach to your training routine.  Choose the one that best fits your goals and then get started:  Workouts can be done in any gym or studio (even beginner and advanced bodyweight programs available), and anytime that fits your schedule.  Select from 3 to 5 days per week and have every* component built into your plan to time collapse the process and eliminate you trying to figure it all out on your own.  

* Personalized Sets, Reps, Rest intervals, Speed of movement, and specific Weight Variations to Lift are all built in. 

4. Focus on your nutritional foundation.  Another vital way to build your immunity is to be well nourished.  Prioritize eating a nutrient-dense meal plan comprised of whole foods, including high-quality protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats, while avoiding sugar, refined grains, and processed or packaged foods.  The truth about food is that we know what we should and shouldn’t be eating, we just don’t make the consistent choices of eating the foods that serve us best.  If you’re still confused, I’m only a conversation away to discuss the behaviors and beliefs in your nutrition.  I’m constantly inspired by my mantra:  What I eat in private, is what I wear in public

5. Get adequate sleep. With anxiety, worry, and disrupted schedules, many people have been struggling to get adequate, truly restorative shuteye.  Sleep is your body’s ultimate reset, and among its many physical and mental effects, it’s essential for regulating your immune system.  Aim to obtain 6 to 8  hours of restful sleep every night.  If you’re having a hard time meeting that, consider having a conversation with me and we’ll identify where I can help.

6. Manage your stress levels.  There isn’t a single metabolic or organ system that isn’t affected by chronic stress, and many of us are experiencing more of it than ever before.  What works for relaxation is different for everyone, but some good options include meditation, mindful breathing or movement, contemplative prayer, a hot bath, or gratitude journaling.


In great and abundant health,

Coach Steve


50% Complete

Two Step

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