Coach Steve Trezek


Life is meant to be lived on YOUR terms.

 I'm passionate about you living in your greatest health, wellness, and abundance to the best of your potential; no one else's.

I’m Coach Steve Trezek, founder of Fitastic and your guide to becoming the BEST version of yourself that YOU can be.

It’s my mission to help you, busy professional, to regain control and succeed in the areas of your health, mindset, and life that are most important to you.

What I take the most pride in is helping my clients see their circumstances and World differently; because when I help someone see their World from a different perspective, their World changes.  When you see your World differently, you show up differently with greater focus and attention. 

Fitness Coach

Coaching health & fitness for over 2 decades brings me ultimate satisfaction.

Food Authority

Learn how to use food as a tasty tool to fuel you and heal you.

Family Man

When it comes to Family, this is where my purpose elevates to a higher level.

Steve Trezek

Mind and Body Architect

Fitness Coach

Coaching health & fitness for over 2 decades brings me ultimate satisfaction.

Food Authority

Learn how to use food as a tasty tool to fuel you and heal you.

Family Man

When it comes to Family, this is where my purpose elevates to a higher level.

If you don't take care of your Body, it won't take care of You


"There's not a day that I wake up and I don't want people to feel Fitastic"



From My Family to Your Family


I know how important it is for Family dynamics to be engaging together.

Families that are active together, are Families that are happy and healthy together.