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TM90 Full Immersion (3 pay)

3 Pay Investment: $97.00 / mo

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YES!  I'm READY to join the 90 Days, to Expand my greatest Quality of Life, from the Inside Out

This 12 week group coaching program will teach you to observe your ways of thinking, challenge your limiting non-supportive beliefs, identities, habits, and behaviors regarding your health and overall quality of life

I'm honored to coach you through the frameworks and principles that will provoke you to free yourself from yourself, as you create sustainable transformation, from the Inside Out.

What you're receive in our time together:

  • We’ll use a custom framework coached through the Fitastic 90 Day Transformation Method to shift your thinking, challenge your limited non-supportive beliefs, and reform habits that aren't serving you to improve your health and overall quality of life.
  • Daily tracking to simple and attainable personal achievements that YOU create.  Simple behaviors you're willing to be accountable to
  • Weekly Modules that include training videos and transformational lessons (time released content)
  • Weekly PDF Workbooks that provide thought provoking assignments to promote your personal growth, understanding of the material, and to condition your subconscious reprogramming 
  • Weekly group coaching conversations via Zoom engaging in comprehensive discussion to current module lesson, takeaways, and practical situations.  All conversations are recorded and uploaded for replay at your convenience.  A private virtual ecosystem sure to inspire 
  • A members only Group Facebook Community that provides a safe, supportive, and engaging environment.  This group is open for you the entire 12 weeks.  When you show, you grow


I'm looking forward to sharing the inner working of sustainable change with you so that you obtain greater health, more abundance, and optimal elevation in your life.


Let's Expand from the Inside Out!


What Transformers Are Saying:

In the short time I have been a part of the Promise Keeper Community I have seen the incredible effects it has had on my wellness journey. I entered the community a confident, happy, joyful person in every aspect of my life, except my health. I worked hard each and every day and ignored the pain and disappointment that came with putting myself and my health second to every other demand that life threw my way. Since joining the PKC… I have learned that putting myself first isn’t selfish but rather a necessity in order to continue to serve those I love most in my life. I have transitioned from complacently immobile to not only committed but enjoying movement each and every day. I have learned to grow through my physical challenges to get stronger with every passing day. This community has given me not only the tools, through small daily power promises, but consistent, non- judgmental support to achieve every small goal I make to better health. The number on the scale is lowering, but far more important than that is the number that is growing. The number of workouts I complete, the number of promises I keep to myself. The number of times I am reminded of what I can accomplish in my health simply because I took that first step. The Promise Keeper Community is more than just a community… it’s a game changer!

Jackie Gentry

Steve Trezek has empowered and motivated me since the day I joined his community. The confidence that I have gained in myself through him is instrumental. He never lets anyone be down on themselves, he always finds a way to encourage them and get them to where they want to be. Thank you, Steve, for everything you’ve done for me!

Prerna Patel

I never imagined that my personal story would include a journey on a virtual bus full of high integrity, inspiring, compassionate, & supportive people all aspiring to become the best version of themselves. My personal growth journey lead me to Coach Steve Trezek. Steve’s zest for life is evident by his commitment to wellness, ability to have fun, focus on gratitude, and desire to make a lasting positive impact on many lives! In a nonjudgmental environment, Steve leads a group of promise keepers and embraces each member’s individuality. With his vast knowledge and experience in fitness and life transformation, Steve has taught me how to make lifelong commitments that positively improve my mindset, body, and spirit. Steve is dedicated to knowing each one of us personally and is invested in making us 100% responsible for our own transformation by sharing his expertise and encouraging us to take the best action that fits into our own personal path of success. I have learned so much about self worth and how we get the life we are so deeply convinced of. Desired results are achieved through personal integrity and taking action to change our story. The alternative is to stay stuck, or move backward, in a sea of our own broken promises which creates an undesirable reflection of who we are. It has taken a lot of effort and going through discomfort and fear to achieve my results. I have improved both mentally and physically with a new awareness to how my daily choices, habits, and upholding my personal standards affect the life I create. I have witnessed how the successes of many promise keepers shine through in various aspects of their lives; improved relationships, improved business outcomes and careers, and increased self confidence. If you desire to level-up in life and make lifelong friends who support & partake in your growth, join Steve Trezek and the promise keepers for an experience that provides lasting personal rewards.

Sharon Karmann