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6 Ways to Transition Back Into Your Gym Routine and Boost Immunity

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2020
*The first week back in public gym action*
Since transitioning back into the gym over the last few days, I've been thinking of the top ways you could also get back into routine while simultaneously increasing your immunity. I've identified 6 Ways specifically

When our lives were flipped upside down earlier this year by the coronavirus pandemic, so were our routines:  We could no longer train together or easily access fitness equipment, we were restricted to grocery shopping and we primarily began cooking all our meals at home, we tended to struggled with sleep while our stress levels were prone to surging.

Although we’re still in the midst of COVID-19, We’ve already proven that a stay at home order doesn’t have to slow us down in making progressions toward our high priority health and fitness goals.   Though with the gyms and clubs finally opening back up across the country, I want to offer assistance in re-establishing healthy habits and...

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Say NO to the approval of others

Our Team Nutrition call yesterday was another inspiring one; getting to the root developments of sustainable change. Our discussion was heavily weighed on the ๐™‹๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง ๐™ค๐™› ๐™‰๐™ค

Take inventory of all the things to which you’re saying ๐’š๐’†๐’” to when it comes to deciding against eating healthy and exercising, and ask yourself if it’s possible to start saying ‘๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’๐’Œ ๐’š๐’๐’–’. You don’t always have to decline, but even saying ๐’๐’ more often will help.

We’re raised as children to demonstrate great manners and act politely. It’s one of my Rules that I follow to this day. We learn that saying please and thank you can take us a long way with respect, to and from others. And if you possibly can, we're conditioned to say ๐—ฌ๐—˜๐—ฆ when people ask us favors. Many of us over-commit ourselves to things because we don’t want to say ๐—ก๐—ข and disappoint others. We’re trained to be people pleasers, which means saying ๐™ฎ๐™š๐™จ to things that we know we should be saying...

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